Set against the backdrop of the South Downs National Park, the Quadrant Sportive is a corporate event based at the Bereleigh Estate in the Meon Valley. Hosted by Quadrant Estates, the event sets out to raise money for Reach Out, a national mentoring and education charity.
Hosted on a Friday, there is an emphasis on networking, but it is open to all to enjoy a memorable day out on the bike in beautiful surroundings with friends and colleagues.
5 Routes
Riding along quiet country lanes, beside vineyards and through picturesque villages you will explore the idyllic Hampshire countryside, including views from Old Winchester Hill across the Solent to the Isle of Wight.
With 42 and 54 mile road routes, plus tracks and trails routes of 23, 28 & 35 miles led by Ride Captains, there is something for everyone.
Followed by a pizza party at The Dell at bereleigh estates along with smapling from Roebuck Estates award winning wine.
Entry: £65 + booking fee
- 20 Sep 2024 9:00am
- Tickets On Sale
- Quadrant Sportive - Ride for Reach OutQuadrant Sportive - Ride for Reach OutPetersfield, Hampshire, UK
- Up to 53 miles (86 km)
- From 65.00 GBP